Get Your Pitchfork On!


Get Your Pitchfork On!

The Real Dirt on Country Living

Kristy Athens

Get Your Pitchfork On! gives urbanites the practical tools they need to realize their own dreams of getting away from it all, with the basics of home, farm, and hearth. The book enters territory that others avoid—straightforward advice about the social aspects of country living, from health care to schools to small-town politics. Athens doesn’t shy away from controversial subjects, such as owning firearms and hiring migrant workers.

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Product Description

Get Your Pitchfork On!

The Real Dirt on Country Living

Kristy Athens

For hard-working urban professionals Kristy Athens and husband Michael, living in the country was a romantic dream. After purchasing seven acres in Washington’s beautiful Columbia River Gorge, Athens and her husband were surprised to learn just how challenging rural life could be.

Get Your Pitchfork On! provides the hard-learned nuts-and-bolts of rural living from city folk who were in over their heads. Practical and often hilarious, Get Your Pitchfork On! reads like a twenty-first century The Egg and I.

Get Your Pitchfork On! gives urbanites the practical tools they need to realize their own dreams of getting away from it all, with the basics of home, farm, and hearth. The book enters territory that others avoid—straightforward advice about the social aspects of country living, from health care to schools to small-town politics. Athens doesn’t shy away from controversial subjects, such as owning firearms and hiring migrant workers.

Kristy Athens’ nonfiction and short fiction have been published in a number of magazines, newspapers and literary journals, most recently Jackson Hole Review, High Desert Journal, Barely South Review, and the anthology Mamas and Papas. Athens currently lives in Portland, Oregon where she works for Oregon Humanities and is also an artist and novice fiddle player. She and her husband are plotting their next attempt at rural living.

341 Pages

Additional Information

Weight 1.25 lbs

“To build an agriculture as sustainable as the ecosystems we have destroyed, is necessary and possible.”

Wes Jackson

President, The Land Institute